Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Work by Mary Calkins, Don Williams and Stephanie Warburg

Here is some new artwork that we recently put on display in the gallery.....

Mary Calkins' colorful abstracts paintings on board (12"x12" each) are titled "Be-Bop I, II and III." "Be-Bop I" and "Be-Bop II" are shown here.
Don Williams has an interesting metal and ceramic piece called "Dreaming Spring". The combination of "hard" (metal) and "soft" (ceramic) elements makes for an interesting composition with a cutting edge feel (18" x 12").

And Stephanie Warburg's atmospheric "Not the End of Summer But the Beginning of Fall" in oil, 18" x 24", has been attracting attention.

L'Attitude Art and Sculpture Gallery

We feature contemporary
two and three-dimensional artworks
and indoor and outdoor sculpture
for home, corporate and commercial environments.